Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sorry Chis D'ambola...

So my friend Chris borrowed our couch last night after the weekly "Grindhouse Tuesday's" movie night hosted at my apartment. Little did we know that Chris would be in store for a little horror show of his own... 

Side note: The movies were all right we watched "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" and "I Spit on your Grave". The first one (Pussycat) was a bit deceiving. Not much killing but definitely "campy dialog" and "provocative gender roles" as wikipedia suggested. It's about these three "fast" women who, while kidnapping the gf of this guy they murdered in the beginning, learn that some old man is loaded and keeps his money hidden on his ranch. They decided to go get the cash but run into some obstacles along the way including but not limited to: weird gas station attendants, creepy old dudes, whiskey, and knives. Also, it's in black and white and there is a lot of boobage but no actual boobs. Just mad cleavage. "I Spit on your Grave" was a much better movie about this NY writer who moves to the country to finish up her latest novel. She runs into some locals who give her a "hard" time (you'll get the pun after you watch the movie). She is "killed" then seeks revenge on the hoodlums. Awesome gore at the end so be ready for it.

It's about 1215 when the second movie finally ends and the gang departs. CDambs lives in the boonies so decides to crash on my couch for the night. It's a really comfortable couch and he's done it before so it isn't really a big deal. Until about 3a when one of my roommates comes back from the bar completely trashed. Like blackout trashed. Tom thrashes around the apartment for a while, walks into the couch a few times, unintentionally rearranges our kitchen (again by walking into things), and sets up shop on our other couch to enjoy his delicious McDonald's treats. By this time Chris has peeped up a bit and witnessed the latter half of the thrashing. Finally able to get back to sleep, Chris logs about 2 hours of solid rest when he is woken once again by some thrashing around. Here's where the horror begins... Startled once again by "loud noises!", Chris looks over to see what it could possibly be this time when he discovers a pants-less TO just about spread eagle on the neighboring [definitely less comfortable but neighboring nonetheless] couch. "Shreik!" is probably what I would say but Chris is a much manlier person than I, just laughed (probably much later and to himself at first), rolled over and passed right back out. Not knowing Tom this would seem like a pretty wild story but it's just another day... 

Oh and further adding to the drama that Chris has experienced in the last 12 hours, when he went to the gym this morning he pulled a muscle in his neck. How unfortunate. Personally, I think he gave himself whiplash from the double-take of realizing the figure he saw was indeed pants-less and less than 5 feet from him. 

Sorry again CD'ambs. I promise it won't be like that next week... or will it? Muwhahahaaa. 

Probably won't but I need to keep you all coming back to my blog to check and see.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's 12:03a

I just finished reading Michael Ian Black's "My Custom Van" ... very hilarious. If you have the means, I highly recommend one.

I can't sleep so I thought I would share that with you all.
